domenica 5 dicembre 2010

Evening observing for oasis of San Silvestro.-

Yesterday I attended the event organized by amateur astronomers maddalonesi.
The evening took place in the oasis of San Silvestro, San leucio.
The last night finally, I learned to distinguish  the most importat costellation of the winter sky and of course the most important stars.
For example how to find the North Star:
Join the two stars head of the wagon:Merak and Dubhe with an imaginary straight line and extends it to 5 times in the direction of Cassiopea.
this leads the Polar Star, whic indicates the north.
I learned to distinguish the costellation of Cepheus, the shape of house designed by children.
The largest costellation of the dragon with its faint stars, which lies between Ursa major and Ursa
Moving south. we could admire the beautiful and great costellation of Orion, that would guide the costellation  of winter sky.
Costellation of Orion is accompanied by hunting dogs: Canis Minor, the main star is Procyon, Canis Major the principal main star is the beautiful and bright Sirio.
I learned that if you look at the first Aldebaran,the star of the costellation Taurus,I'll see better Pleiadi,  open cluster.
I finally learned to distinguish the costellation of Auriga.Its shape is a pentagon and its main star is Capella.
All this, accompanied by a good and hot mulled wine.