mercoledì 3 novembre 2010

November stars

To the east we will rise to the bright winter stars: Auriga and Taurus will precede the Orion and the twins, higher dominate Perseus.
High in the sky, to the south the unmistakable square of Pegasus joint Andromeda, just below the faint stars of Pisces and Aries, the great whale and the Southern Fish.
To the west we see the definitive end summer costellations: Aquila,Cygnus and Lyra.
To the north of the Great Bear leads usto the North Star, just to the west, the Dragon and a little higher Cepheus and Cassiopeia,now almost overhead, complete this heavenly landscape.
Jupite will remain for the entire month of November, he most visible star in the night sky. Not far to Jupiter, weaker Uranus is not difficult to see if helped by a pair of binoculars.
Venus and Saturn are visible in the morning sky before sunrise.
Major astronomical events of November 2010: 
In early months you will see a meteor shower is not disturbed by the moonlight, there are ten meteros for hours peak periods.
The morning of five Novemeber, just before dawn, watching the sky to the east, we could see a thin crescent Moon and Venus.Looking  at the bright planet with a telescope, we could see a stage similar to that of the Moon.
November 15, the bright star near to the Moon, will be Jupiter.
On the night of 21 November, find the Moon below the Pleiades stars of storage.
 Here's a map of the sky in November:

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